Guiding Principles

Important Links


In accordance with the provisions of the club constitution, a copy of which is available on request or can be found on the Engadine Dragons Cricket Club Web Site (, the information contained within this document has the power of being cited as regulations of the club. Thus, in the event that any matter herein is referred to or called upon in any inquiry or hearing conducted by club management in the exercise of its authority, matters herein may be referred to as the Engadine Dragons Cricket Club Regulations.


The club is an incorporated body operating under a constitution approved by the Department of Fair Trading vides the Associations Incorporation Act 1984. In accordance with the club constitution all members, (which includes both players and non-players) are required to abide by the requirements of the club. The constitution provides that members of the club includes the parents of all junior players and those parents of players less than eighteen years of age playing senior cricket.


The club is managed by an annually elected management committee. The committee comprises an executive of president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer/public officer together with other office bearers carrying out specific activities to provide for the needs of members. All club members are encouraged to stand for election. The club’s annual general meeting is held in June of each year prior to the commencement of the cricket-playing season.


The club is affiliated with the Sutherland Shire Junior Cricket Association (SSJCA) for the purposes of participating in the association’s junior competition, and with the Sutherland Shire Cricket Association (SSCA) for the purposes of participating in the association’s senior competition. These affiliations are acknowledged within the club constitution and thus the club and all members are subject to the authority of the parent associations as set out in their constitutions, rules, regulations and competition practices.


In regard to Grade Cricket our principles dictate that we expect all our players to complete their Club commitments before leaving to play Grade cricket. Under no circumstances will a player be allowed to leave their match prior to its scheduled finishing time unless permission is granted by the Management Committee.


The Engadine Dragons Cricket Club (EDCC) is a community based cricket club seeking to provide a service for, and indeed encourage, people of all ages, genders and skills to participate in the playing of competition cricket.

The club respects the privacy of all members. Nevertheless it is in the best interests of the club to promote the game and to publicise its activities and efforts. Club management acknowledges the potential for a conflict between respecting privacy and promoting the game. Accordingly, the club undertakes as a matter of principle a privacy policy that respects the privacy of all members with respect to the collection, access, storage and use of personal information obtained as part of its ongoing activities.

Any club member having concerns regarding invasion of privacy or breach of privacy laws is asked to make known any concern prior to the commencement of the cricket season. All such wishes shall be respected. Concerns on this subject may be brought in confidence to the club secretary


The club in promoting the playing of cricket and encouraging participation in the sport reserves the right to use all material initiated by the club or supplied by club members. The use of such material shall extend to include the EDCC website; Dragon’s Facebook; local community newspapers; club newsletters; Annual Report and Sutherland Cricket Associations publications, provided all such material is not defamatory or injurious to any person.


At a time when there is greater focus within the community on social responsibilities within sporting clubs and organisations, it is appropriate the management committee set out its views on this matter.

Apart from the obvious responsibilities exercised by the elected club officials, it is important to identify the commitment made by those who voluntarily undertake coaching and/or team management tasks. Theirs too is a responsible role. Other club members less involved sometimes overlook the extent of that responsibility.

Hence, it is important in supporting the good work of our coaches and managers, that the management committee identify potential areas of concern and require the cooperation of all parents and players so that everyone understands, accepts and applies the guidelines set out.

Fundamentally, whilst a player is involved in a club organised activity, whether it be practice or a match situation, those club representatives responsible for the team have a duty of care which is answerable at law should an incident or accident occur which has repercussions.

While the club accepts this onus, and acknowledges it within the scope of its incorporated identity, all parents and players need to be aware of the limitations from the club perspective and, in turn, their responsibilities in addressing these matters.


Team coaches and managers are volunteers and provide an important role but that role does not extend to include a domestic care service. Hence it is important that players, especially, young players are not left alone at training centres or match venues. The club policy is that no child will be left alone without proper supervision whilst in club care. We therefore expect the cooperation of parents in keeping to the time scales announced for the activity involved. Whilst it is appreciated that occasions can occur where, for a variety of reasons, a late arrival may happen, coaches and managers are encouraged to bring frequent occurrences to the attention of the management committee for action.


At all times, whilst engaged in club activities, all junior players are under the control of club appointed coaches and managers, whose responsibility it is to supervise the behaviour and actions of all team members. It is equally important that parents reinforce this with their children. Occasions have occurred in the past where players have appeared to lack awareness that they have a responsibility to accept the directions of the coach or manager.

While the club is aware of its legal obligations and the need to exercise a duty of care in the conduct of its sporting activities, and thus maintains appropriate insurance cover, the club does not accept responsibility for the acts of players who disregard reasonable directions and requirements.



All fees must be paid on registering. Failure to comply means that the player will not be guaranteed a team placing. This is consistent with the club constitution.


No person will be deprived of the opportunity to play cricket due to financial difficulties. Confidential representations may be made to the club secretary who will see that the request is appropriately and sensitively handled.


Fundraising is kept to a minimum. All members are expected to fully support any such Club fund raising activity.


PLAYHQ CLUB REGISTRATION FORM. All players (junior & senior) including casual players are required to accept the conditions set by the Club on registering.


The SSJCA conducts cricket in age groups spanning two years, thus 10 & 11 year olds play in the under 12 age group, 12 & 13 year olds in the under 14 age groups and, 14, 15 and 17 year olds play in the under 16 age group. The cut-off date for age groups is midnight 31 August.


As per CNSW policy.



The saying, “if you can’t play sport, be a sport” underpins our primary policy on playing. Win or lose – be a sport! The club expects parents to support this policy. The coach represents the club management and will exercise the policy that all team members get even handed treatment. No player is expected to stand down more than once in any season regardless of ability. However, attitude and behavior at training are criteria a coach is entitled to use in determining team composition.


Upon a team qualifying to play in a Semi-Final or Grand Final, the club policy is specific that the strongest batting and bowling orders should be selected.


The high degree of competitiveness at this level may favour older and more experienced players when formulating team selections and batting and bowling orders. With this in mind the Club does expect all players to have a fair involvement throughout the season.


The club determines the placement of players in teams through appointed grading committees. Each committee is charged with the responsibility of assessing skills, competency and potential. In turn, these factors are balanced against the need to ensure each player is graded at a level that will enhance his/her enjoyment of the game and provide opportunity for self-esteem and personal satisfaction. Reasonable requests for friends to play together will be considered in most cases where possible.


It is essential that all players attend irrespective of the weather and/or rain interference. Every effort will be made to grade as programmed. Grading committees make recommendations only. The management committee makes the final evaluation and determination in consultation with the grading committee.


Nominated senior teams are ranked by the EDCC grading committee and registered with the SSCA who grade the teams accordingly.



The club does not tolerate bad behaviour or misconduct on or off the field whilst a registered player is engaging in a club organised activity. This includes cricket training. Misconduct includes the use of bad and/or offensive language and improper respect for umpires, be they official, duty, or parents acting in that capacity.


Parents when attending as spectators are officially club members and required to comply with this code of conduct. While we encourage parental support and involvement, club officials must handle all matters regarding the conduct of matches. In particular, this includes concerns for umpiring decisions. If there is need for complaint, that matter must be taken up through the club coach and/or manager and not by personal representations to officials or parents of the opposition team.


Captains of senior teams are responsible for on and off field behaviour of team members at practice sessions and at matches. Alcohol is not to be taken to grounds for consumption during the course of a match.


The club deplores sledging. Sledging is defined as the giving of comments and insults by a player aimed at personally offending a player from an opposing team. Cricket is a game for sportspeople. It should be played hard and aggressively but absent of foul language, personal abuse, and offensive gestures. Sledging is against the Code of Conduct and the spirit of the game.


Smoking bans apply to all spectator areas at sportsgrounds and other recreational areas when they are being used for an organised sporting event. Penalties apply to individuals who smoke in spectator areas at public sports grounds or other recreational areas during organised sporting events. For further information refer to the below link.
No Smoking at Sportsgrounds Factsheet



The club makes available equipment kits (See Batting Helmets) but for hygiene reasons recommends that all players provide their own Protector. All club members are asked to assist in taking care of club gear.


Cricket balls remain the property of the club at all times. Even after match use they remain so for practice use. Requests for old balls may be made of the club secretary.


In accordance with a direction issued by SSJCA (derived from Cricket Australia and Cricket NSW safety policies) all junior players must provide their own correctly fitted batting helmets.

These must be worn at all matches and at all training and grading sessions when batting. It is recommended that players and parents in purchasing helmets should buy them from a recognised supplier and ensure that the batting helmet meets Australian standards.



The SSJCA sets the rules for junior players, i.e. white cricket trousers, EDCC playing shirt, white socks, cricket shoes or boots. A club cap, floppy cricket hat and helmet that meets the Standards Association of Australia requirements, may be worn. Coloured football socks, jumpers and tops, which are other than white, are not permitted.


Similar rules apply for seniors (no shorts!). All senior players are expected to dress neatly and correctly with regard for the club’s image. The same applies when undertaking duty umpiring. As a representative of the club, duty umpires are expected to dress appropriately, and closed shoes must be worn.


As all players are representing the club it is expected that all will wear a club hat or cap. These are available in different styles and can be purchased from the club’s uniform officer. The wearing of baseball caps and similar styles other than club headgear is not permitted.



All members and players are welcome at meetings conducted by the club in accordance with its constitution. Meetings are normally held in our clubrooms at the Anzac complex and the regularity of these meetings may vary during the season.


All teams must be represented at club meetings. For junior teams that representative should be either the coach or manager (preferably both) and for senior teams, the captain, or manager (if appointed) or, some other team member nominated to attend as the team spokesperson. Match balls are only distributed at these Meetings.


Keep updated on our website for all the latest news and information.


Follow Dragons on Facebook. The site is regularly updated with all the latest news and information.


Advertisers and sponsors are welcome and invited to contact the Club Promotions Officer for information. All members are encouraged to support the local business and sponsors that advertise in our newsletter, website, facebook and Annual Report. Their financial support ensures that fees are kept to a minimum.



The season commences in September and concludes in March with a break over the Christmas period coinciding with the school holidays. All matches are played within the Sutherland Shire on Saturday mornings with the number of rounds determined by the format of each age group. Besides 14A and 16A where first and second play off in a Grand Final all other grades play Semi Finals (1 v 4, 2 v 3) to determine who plays in the Grand Final.


The season commences in September and concludes in March with usually a two to three week break over the Christmas. The season usually consists of a combination of one & two day matches as well as duty umpire rounds. The season concludes with Semi Finals where the teams finishing second and third play off to determine which team plays the Minor Premiers the following weekend in the Grand Final.


This is part of the season and all senior players must participate and attend matches at the direction of the team captain. Accordingly all players are encouraged to gain an adequate knowledge of the laws of cricket to fulfill responsibilities. The club encourages all senior players to qualify as umpires by attending the appropriate course and passing the necessary exam. Failure to carry out Duty Umpiring results in a loss of points and a financial penalty.


The club celebrates the end of each season with a junior and senior presentation that are generally conducted at the end of May after the conclusion of each season. The Presentations acknowledges the achievements of our teams, players and officials with the presentation of awards. Dates, venues and formats may differ from season to season.


The Annual Report highlighting team reports, individual and team performance will be available online on our website at the conclusion of the presentations.


A complaint concerning any matter relating to the management of the team should be brought first to the attention of the team manager or coach. If not resolved, or concerns are of a broader nature, the matter should, in the first instance, be brought to the attention of the club secretary or, if unavailable, the club president. Senior players are advised that they should direct all such matters through their captain in the first instance, otherwise through the assistant secretary or the club president.


(Amended March 2024)


The Management Committee reserves the right to withhold the allocation of any award where in its assessment the criteria have not been met or for any other valid reason.

Where the assessment of the award calls for nominations all such nominations must be in writing, with reasons in support. Nominations must be forwarded to be in the hands of the Secretary or Assistant Secretary by no later than two weeks after the date of the final match has been played or any other such date as the Management Committee may announce or publish.

In the absence of nominations, the Management Committee shall consider the merits of each award and may determine a recipient on its knowledge of the available candidates.

The Management Committee may make any special award it sees fit to acknowledge exceptional circumstances or to provide encouragement. The Management Committee may also adjust criteria’s from season to season to reflect changed conditions of play.

All considerations of the Management Committee and/or the Executive are confidential. Neither body shall be required to give reasons for the acceptance or rejection of any nomination.

All perpetual trophies remain the property of Engadine Dragons Cricket Club. All perpetual trophies must be returned in good order to the Club Secretary at such date as the Management Committee may announce or publish.


Due to the implementation of Cricket Australia Junior Cricket Stage 1 in 2018/19 and the subsequent changes to the U10 playing format our Club decided to no longer award U10 “Individual Team Awards”. Instead, all U10 players shall be presented with a participation trophy.  It was also decided that U10 players will be ineligible to be awarded “Performance Awards” or “Special Club Awards” except for “Junior Rookie of the Year”. The Club has introduced the “Most Consistent U10 Player” trophy to recognise the most consistent performance by an U10 player. The “Junior Division” has been amended to only represent U12 teams and players, while the “Intermediate Division” remains unchanged and still represents U14 & U16 teams and players.


To provide a measure of objectivity and consistency throughout all levels of the Club for the assessing and determination of awards, the following criteria shall apply when read in conjunction with each award criteria.

  • For each 10 runs scored – 1 point
  • For each wicket taken – 1.3 points
  • For each wicket keeping catch – 1 point
  • For each wicket keeping stumping – 1 point
  • For each fielding catch – 1 point

(Personal Trophies)

Cricket Blast and U10 Teams
All Cricket Blast and U10 players will be presented with a participation trophy.

(Personal Trophies)

Junior and Intermediate Divisions
For all U12, U14 and U16 teams engaged in SSJCA competitions there will be three awards presented per team. The awards are – Batting, Bowling and Coaches. For batting and bowling both awards shall be based on the highest aggregates achieved in their graded team. Batting – runs scored and Bowling – wickets taken. These aggregates will be derived from an examination of the Scorebooks and be inclusive of all competition round and semi-finals, but exclusive of the Final.

  • In the case of more than one player sharing the highest batting or bowling aggregate the player with the highest average shall be awarded the trophy.
  • In the case of one player achieving both the highest batting and bowling aggregate the award shall be determined by using the “General Criteria.” The highest calculated points in either batting or bowling shall determine which award is presented. The remaining award either batting or bowling shall be presented to the player with the next highest aggregate.

The Coaches award will be nominated by the Team Management (Coach and Manager).
No one person may be presented with more than one of the above four awards. Please note that joint award winners may be recognised where the Management Committee see fit.

Senior Division
For all teams engaged in SSCA competition cricket there shall be two awards presented per team. The awards are – Batting and Bowling. For batting and bowling all awards shall be based on the highest aggregates achieved in their graded team and derived from an examination of the Scorebooks and be inclusive of first and second innings but exclusive of Finals Series.

  • In the event of more than one player sharing the highest batting or bowling aggregate the player with the highest average shall be awarded the trophy.


Batting Performance Award
(Perpetual trophy and personal trophies awarded)

Junior Division (U12)                      Intermediate Division                   Senior Division

“The Ray Noakes Trophy”            “The Russ Waddell Trophy”        “The Drew Lake Trophy”

Shall go to the player within the Division nominated who scores the greatest number of runs in the season. There is no weighting for grade. Senior Division: The greatest number of runs will be the aggregate of all runs credited to the batsman derived from an examination of the Scorebooks and be inclusive of first and second innings but exclusive of Finals Series. Junior/Intermediate Divisions: The greatest number of runs will be the aggregate of all runs credited to the batsman derived from an examination of the Scorebooks and be inclusive of all competition rounds and semi-final, but exclusive of the Final. In the event of a tied aggregate the award will be determined on average.

Bowling Performance Award
(Perpetual trophy and personal trophies awarded)

Junior Division (U12)                      Intermediate Division                   Senior Division

“The Col Keenan Trophy”             “The Alf Lemmon Trophy”           “The John Carlisle Trophy”

Shall go to the player within the Division nominated who takes the greatest number of wickets in the season. There is no weighting for grade. Senior Division: The greatest number of wickets will be the aggregate of all wickets credited to the bowler derived from an examination of the Scorebooks and be inclusive of first and second innings but exclusive of Finals Series. Junior/Intermediate Divisions: The greatest number wickets will be the aggregate of all wickets credited to the bowler derived from an examination of the Scorebooks and be inclusive of all competition rounds and semi-final, but exclusive of the Final. In the event of a tied aggregate the award will be determined on average.

Wicket Keeping Performance Award
(Perpetual trophy and personal trophies awarded)

Junior Division (U12)                      Intermediate Division                   Senior Division

“The Mike Fordyce Trophy”        “The Clem Heffernan Trophy”    “The Col Berry Trophy”

Shall go to the player within the Division who as the wicketkeeper is credited with the greatest number of wicket keeping dismissals in the season. There is no weighting for grade. Senior Division: The greatest number of dismissals will include all catches and stumpings credited to the keeper derived from an examination of the Scorebooks and be inclusive of first and second innings but exclusive of Finals Series. Junior/Intermediate Divisions: The greatest number of dismissals will include all catches and stumpings credited to the keeper derived from an examination of the Scorebooks and be inclusive of all competition rounds and semi-final, but exclusive of the Final. In the event of a tied aggregate the award will be determined by the lowest average of byes to dismissals.

 Fielding Performance Award
(Perpetual trophy and personal trophies awarded)

Junior Division (U12)                      Intermediate Division                   Senior Division

“The Paul Waddell Trophy”         “The Greg Heffernan Trophy”    “The Greg Knowles Trophy”

Shall go to the player within the Division nominated who as the fielder is credited with the greatest number of fielding dismissals in the season. There is no weighting for grade. Senior Division: The greatest number of dismissals will be the aggregate of all fielding catches credited to the fielder derived from an examination of the Scorebooks and be inclusive of first and second innings but exclusive of Finals Series. Junior/Intermediate Divisions: The greatest number of dismissals will be the aggregate of all fielding catches credited to the fielder derived from an examination of the Scorebooks and be inclusive of all competition rounds and semi-final. but exclusive of the Final. In the event of a tied aggregate the award will be determined on the most catches taken in the least number of matches.


Most Improved Team
“The Bob Vannan Trophy”
(Perpetual trophy and personal trophy awarded to players, coach & manager)

Determined by the Management Committee and awarded to the team that on results shows improvements in the second half of the season relative to the first half. While the points scored acts as an indicator, the grading and age group of the team will be considered.

 Encouragement Shield
“The Bob Price Shield”
(Perpetual shield and personal shield)

Nominations maybe sought and awarded to a player within the Junior and/or Intermediate Divisions. Determined by the Management Committee the award recognises the need to encourage players. Any player may be nominated but the Management Committee will take into account age, performance, level at which played, years of experience, commitment, effort, enthusiasm for the game are key determinants. Basically, and as simply as possible, the award is designed to encourage a young cricket to follow his love for the game through playing as long as possible. Generally, a more established player, playing at the higher levels would be seen to be in less need of encouragement than one coming through the levels.

 Junior Rookie of the Year
“The Ken Tever Trophy”
(Perpetual trophy and personal trophy)

Determined by the Management Committee in consultation with the team coach and derived from an examination of the Scorebooks and be inclusive of all competition rounds and semi-final, but exclusive of the Final. To be awarded to a player who has competed in their first season of competition cricket and has displayed a high level of skill and ability. There is no weighting for grade. The “General Criteria” set above excluding run outs shall apply to assessing and determining this award.

Senior Rookie of the Year
“The Bill Knowles Trophy”
(Perpetual trophy and personal trophy)

Determined by the Management Committee and derived from an examination of the Scorebooks and be inclusive of all competition rounds including first and second innings, but exclusive of Finals Series. To be awarded to a player who is ineligible for junior cricket and has competed in their first season as a senior cricketer and has displayed a high level of skill and ability. There is no weighting for grade. The “General Criteria” set above shall apply to assessing and determining this award

Most Consistent U10 Player
“EDCC Trophy”
(Perpetual trophy and personal trophy)

Determined by the Management Committee and derived from an examination of the Scorebooks and be inclusive of all competition rounds and semi-final, but exclusive of the Final. To be awarded to the most consistent U10 player, who through efforts with bat, ball or gloves has proved competitive in the SSJCA U10 competition. The “General Criteria” set above shall apply to assessing and determining this award.

Player of the Week Trophy
(Shared trophy)

The Club will supply each of our Cricket Blast, U10 and U12 teams with a “Player of the Week” trophy to be shared amongst its players throughout the season. The trophy may be accompanied by a sponsor’s certificate or voucher.

EDCC Service Awards
(Memento awarded)

Club Service Awards were introduced in the season of 1996-1997. Service Award acknowledges club playing service and seeks to promote pride in the club. The awards presented in periods of five years – five, ten, fifteen, twenty and at twenty-five years Life Membership may be awarded.


Intermediate Club All Rounder
“The Ian Latham Trophy”
(Perpetual trophy and personal trophy)

Determined by the Management Committee and derived from an examination of the scorebooks and awarded to the most outstanding all-round performance in the Intermediate Division. As a guide the following qualification apply – minimum 150 runs scored and 12 wickets taken or minimum 150 runs scored and 8 wicket keeping catches/stumpings. In the event of a bowler/wicketkeeper qualifying the standard is set as 150 runs scored and a combination of bowling wickets taken/wicket keeping catches/stumpings equalling a minimum of 12 dismissals. The criteria shall be based on aggregates achieved in their graded team and shall be inclusive of all competition rounds and semi-final, but exclusive of the Final. The “General Criteria” set above shall apply to assessing and determining this award.

 Senior Club All Rounder
 “The Dean Griffith Trophy”
(Perpetual trophy and personal trophy)

Determined by the Management Committee and derived from an examination of the scorebooks and awarded to the most outstanding all-round performance in Junior/Intermediate Divisions. As a guide the following qualification apply, minimum of 150 runs scored and 12 wickets taken or minimum 150 runs scored and 12 wicket keeping catches/stumpings. In the event of a bowler/wicketkeeper qualifying the standard is set as 150 runs scored and a combination of bowling wickets taken/wicket keeping catches/stumpings equalling a minimum of 12 dismissals. A player who represents the club in more than one senior team shall have all efforts credited. All awards shall be based on aggregates and be inclusive of first and second innings, but exclusive of Finals Series. The “General Criteria” set above shall apply to assessing and determining this award.

Club Member of the Year
“The Val Tever Trophy”
(Perpetual trophy & personal gift)

Nominations are sought in writing and determined by the Management Committee and awarded to a club member who gives freely of his/her time and energies in supporting the Club in its activities. Management Committee members may be nominated in which event the Executive Committee shall determine the recipient.

 Junior Club Champion
“The Barry McManus Trophy”
(Perpetual trophy and personal trophy)

Determined by the Management Committee and derived from an examination of the scorebooks and shall be inclusive of all competition rounds and semi-final, but exclusive of the Final. Awarded to the most outstanding U14 or U16 cricketer through efforts with bat, ball or gloves has proved competitive at the higher levels of the SSJCA Competition. The “General Criteria” set above shall apply to assessing and determining this award.

 Senior Club Champion
“The Harry Robbins Trophy”
(Perpetual trophy and personal trophy)

Determined by the Management Committee and derived from an examination of the scorebooks and shall be inclusive of first and second innings, but exclusive of Finals Series. To be awarded to the most outstanding senior cricketer in the club who through their efforts with bat, ball or gloves has proved competitive at the higher levels of the SSCA Competition. The “General Criteria” set above shall apply to assessing and determining this award.


Life Membership
(Life Membership Badge)

In considering any such nomination the committee will be guided by the Club Constitution, in particular – Membership Part No.2 – 2.7 Life Membership –

(a) A Life member is a club member awarded the honorary title of Life Member for outstanding services to the Club.

(b) There shall be for the purposes of recognising outstanding service two streams of entry to Life Membership, playing service and administrative service.

(c) Consideration for Life Membership may only be exercised when the nominee has given no less than 25 years’ service to the club as Playing Member (as defined in Rule 2.2) or, no less than 10 years’ service to the club as a Committee Member, or some other Club support service of a non-playing nature.

(d) Consideration for Life Membership will be undertaken in the first instance by the Management only upon receipt of a written nomination containing reasons in support. Any club members may make such nomination to any member of the Management Committee.

(e) The Management Committee will examine all such nominations and in exercising absolute discretion accept or reject any nomination. Any decision taken is neither subject to explanation nor appeal.

(f) The Management Committee determines for approval that the nominee is worthy of the honour proposed, shall advise members at the next general monthly meeting. That recommendation shall contain details of the service given by the nominee and justification for the action proposed. Approval being a majority vote.

(g) A Life Member whose award derives from 25 years playing service shall henceforth pay no playing fee to the Club beyond that which the Club will impose to cover costs associated with Association registration, insurance, and any other like matter.

(h) A Life Member shall pay no fees to the Club (with the exception set out above in Rule 2.7(g)) and shall be entitled to vote at any club meeting and receive any special consideration as the Management Committee may determine.

(i) Each life member shall be presented with a suitably designed Life Membership badge.

(j) A Life member is subject to the rules and regulations and Code of Conduct of the Club.